The Ozone Amateur Radio Club (OARC), an ARRL Affiliated Club, is headquartered in the Ozone Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Center, located at 2190 4th Street in Slidell, LA next to the City Court of Slidell.  Click here for Directions.  We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month.  Information about our meetings can be found on the Meetings Page.  Please join us.  We'd love to meet you in person, on one of our repeaters, on the air or on the waterfall.  If you are not yet a "ham", we'll help you get your license. If you would like further information about how to become a ham or our radio club please email us at or visit our Membership Page.

Organization Mission Statement - The OARC strives to meet the social, technical and operating interests of the community and all its members.  As a hobby our members can learn about the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules, radio commication modes, standard and emergency procedures that pertain to the operation of Amateur Radio Stations.  As a public service we support the National Weather Service and Amateur Emergency Communication Operations during times of need.

If you are visiting the area, we frequently monitor our 2 Meter repeater on 147.270 MHz offset + PL 114.8.         Thank you for checking out our site.

Join the Club!
Congratulations to our new club officer(s) and board members...

** New GMRS repeater in Lacombe. **

** Special Announcements **
Hamfests Meeting Agenda
PHOTOS & Files * Current News *

Shack: 2190 4th St., Slidell, LA • Mail: PO Box 553, Slidell, LA  70459 • Webmaster: • Artwork by Judy Guthans, AA5UZ