Licensing Classes & Testing

Please check calendar tab for testing schedule.

If you do test with us, you accept all risks. All applicants must have their FRN number beforehand to be tested.

All classes will be tested, from Technician - Extra. Please read below as to what to bring to a test session. Again, everyone will need to bring a copy of their license and if this is a first timer testing, you must have that FRN number. We will not test you without it. Proper ID is also required. Anyone that is already licensed and is upgrading please bring a copy of your license so we can attach to your paperwork. The FCC web address to get your FRN if needed is

There are online test sessions. Here is a link that has these test sessions. We generally hold test sessions on the second Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm. Contact either Steve at or Frank at for testing questions. Please check below for what to bring to a test session. Anyone trying for their Technician's license can get their FRN numnber from the FCC and we ask that new applicants do this. When posted, the dates will be here and also on the calendar as well as the ARRl's Site. Anyone with special needs, should contact us now. If we do not have enough VE's present we may not be able to accommodate you. Please have the exact amount for this test fee which is $15.00 at this time.  

Here is an ARRL Link as to upcoming Test Sessions. Just use their search engine to find a session close to you.

You must be properly licensed to operate on Ham/Amateur Frequencies. Here is what to do to be legal.

Additionally, Frank Skiles, WA5VCS, conducts classes from time to time. There are no classes currently scheduled. Contact Frank, WA5VCS, if you need a class or more information..

Click here for the W5YI Study Guides.

Our club's address is 2190 4th Street next to the City's courthouse and behind the police station.

Click here for the ARRL list of what to bring to the session. Our test session fee is $15.00

If people want more information they can email Frank  We use the W5YI Tech study Guide.

Class and testing are done at the Emergency Communication Center, corner of 4th and Cousin, here at 2190 4th Street, Slidell, LA. Click here for Directions.

Any candidate with special needs or circumstances must contact us 2 weeks before the test session so we can be ready. Please contact us for more information. 

Shack: 2190 4th St., Slidell, LA • Mail: PO Box 553, Slidell, LA  70459 • Webmaster:  • Artwork by Judy Guthans, AA5UZ