Slidell EOC HamFest

November 15th - 16th, 2024

sponsored by the Ozone Amateur Radio Club


UPDATE: Our Slidell Hamfest has been moved from September to November with the approaching Francine weather.

ADMISSION: Adults: $5 (Includes 1 Raffle Ticket - Good for both days) - 12 & Under: Free


08:00 AM - 02:00 PM - Vendor setup (Enter rear doors on old fire house side)
10:00 AM - 02:00 PM - Flea Market setup (Enter rear doors on old fire house side)
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM - Doors open to public (Enter though Lobby doors)

07:30 AM - Vendors and Flea Market nsetup (Enter rear doors on old fire house side)
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM - Doors open to public (Enter though Lobby doors)



Parking Area Maps and Auditorium Table Layout  

1st Prize - Yaesu FTM-500XDRD
2nd Prize - Yaesu FT-70DR
3rd Prize - LRS (Lightning Rig Saver)
4th-5th Prizes - Yaesu FT-65R
6th-9th Prizes - Yaesu FT-4XR
10th Prize - Baofeng GM-15 Pro

NOTE: Drawings to start around 2PM on Saturday. You do not need to be present for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prizes.


(Friday - 11/15)

02:00 - 02:45 - RT Systems (Zoom Forum) by Karin KD4DXX Thompson

(Saturday - 11/16)

09:00 to 09:45 - LRS (Lightning Rig Saver) by Dave K5OZ Hartley
10:00 to 10:45 - ARES by Jim AI5B Coleman
11:00 to 11:45 - ARRL by Corey W5MMC McCrary & Elmer N5EKF Tatum
12:00 to 12:45 - Digial Modes by Emile KE5QKR Diodene.
13:00 to 13:45 - CW / QRP by George KB5ILL Carr

Talk in will be on 147.270 repeater +600 PL 114.8.

Public Contact:

Dave-K5OZ - Chairperson
Ron-WB5CXJ - Co-Chairperson

Current Vendors
Chatt Radio
The Sign Man
TN07 Engineering
N5IAW Connectors
Confirmed as of 07/30/24

Past Vendors:
The Sign Man, MCM Computers, TN07 Engineering, N5IAW Connectors, ABR Industries, and Hamworld Inc., Cajun RF

Test Session: Registration required.  Please read.....

Here is a link about the Slidell Auditorium 


and register
Click HERE for more information:

Please feel free to email if you need for more information.

HamFest Flyer         Forum Schedule                Refunds:  Please Email Us

Shack: 2190 4th St., Slidell, LA • Mail: PO Box 553, Slidell, LA  70459 • Webmaster:  • Artwork by Judy Guthans, AA5UZ